Tag Archives: listening to God

He Had Me At Colon Spasm.

So sorry I’ve been MIA from the blog.  And, sorry for the ridiculous title of this post.  I thought I might be dying from the colon spasms a few days ago, but it all worked out okay.  I spent much of last week resting and trying to think of creative ways to drink my food.   That creativity ran out by day one. 

But, seriously, y’all.  Thank you for praying for me the way you did.  I am humbled and thankful!

Now, I’m not one to start yellin’ things like “God caused my pain.”  Because, He didn’t. 

But, He did use it.

To get me still.

I’ve been so focused on accomplishing goals, checking items off of my list, and trying to make this and that happen that I have failed to just be still and listen.

One morning, I woke up earlier than necessary, and I was feeling pretty rotten.  I decided to take a hot bath.  And, I became very still. 

“Okay.  I am still,” I told Him. 

So, I listened.  To Him.  His voice.  Not my friend’s.  Not my mom’s.  Not my sweet pilot’s. 


And, He brought such wonderful reproach in my life.  Yes, wonderful.  Because, it is His goodness that brings reproach.  That corrects.  That tells me I’m not always right.  I didn’t feel condemnation.  That’s not His style.  But, I did feel a holy conviction in a specific issue in my life.  And, listening to Him set me free from it. 

So, my recovery has been more than physical.

And, I’m so thankful.  Thankful that He loves me enough to correct me, so I can live a much more contented life. 

Maybe you are chasing after things so hard right now, and you are not taking time to be still before Him.  To linger with a keen awareness that you are in His presence.  Well?  I’m gonna go out on a limb here and tell y’all to take a moment this week to be still.  He might want to tell you something.  And, that something just might make a big difference.

He is just so good.


Filed under God Stuff, gratitude, health