Life Is Not Good For Me.

And, that is what prompted my Google searches on “how to start a non-profit organization.”  If you read yesterday’s post, you are aware that my son was unhappy that I have an iPad, and he doesn’t.  He was also unhappy that his sister slept with me, and he didn’t.  At the close of the evening on Tuesday night, he grumbled a little more.  I simply told him, “Life is good for you, John Henry.”

“Life is not good for me,” I heard him say as he traipsed up the stairs. 

No. He. Just. Didn’t. 

Yes. He. Did.

It was as if I had been practicing the parenting speech that would follow for years.

“Come here, son.  Let me take you to a third world country and show you children with no toys.  Let me take to you a poverty-stricken village where children sleep with no roof over their heads.  Let me take you to a place where children are hungry and wondering if they will eat that day.  Wondering if this is the day they STARVE TO DEATH.”

Notice how I emphasized the “starve to death” part for dramatic impact?

I continued to tell him how blessed he is.  Not remind him.  But, tell him.  Because, somehow, he had been completely unaware some children go without food.  But, beyond telling him about his blessings, I told him that things are just things.  I told him I could drop my fancy iPad tomorrow, and it could shatter into tiny pieces.  And, what would I have left?  Well, not a cool iPad, and probably an upset husband.  But, anyway….

I would still be a child of a King who completes me.  That, in Him, I can be content no matter where I am or what I have.  Because of HIM.

He went onto bed, and I followed up shortly after.  I noticed tears streaming down his cheeks.  Being the good parent that I am, I assumed he was crying over how “life isn’t good” for him.  Good one, Mom. 

“That’s not why I’m crying,” he responded.

“Then, why?”

“Because there are hungry children. “

I comforted him and nodded.

Then, he asked, “What can we do?”

Wow.  I wasn’t prepared for that one.  So, I gave the “we give more, and we need others to give more to help feed them” answer.

“Can I start collecting money for them?”  He asked me.

“I think so.  Let’s talk about this tomorrow.”

So, we prayed, and we talked again the next day. 

Last night, he reminded me about our conversation.  I asked him to pray.  I asked him to seek God and ask Him to show him ways to raise money for those less fortunate.  Then, I told him, that when he feels like God gives him an idea, to let me know.

In the meantime, I’m researching on my end.  And, while I realize there are plenty of good solid organizations to give to, I know this is something he needs to do.  He wants to do.  And, really?  I guess we all need to want to do it.  Who knows where this will go.  Or, perhaps, what organization it might connect us to.  But, I do know John Henry desires to put hands and feet to his new awareness that hungry children exist.  And, I want to do the same.

He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward him for what he has done.”  Proverbs 19:17


Filed under giving, gratitude, making an impact, parenting

17 responses to “Life Is Not Good For Me.

  1. What a wonderful blog. JH has such a tender heart to be able to transition from self-centeredness to concern for the welfare of others. What a better world it would be if we all did that. You are a blessing!!!

  2. dusty…just want you to know that i LOVE all your posts on family and kids. you guys seem to be great parents…i know we didn’t do much of it, but miss hangin w/ you guys! a great website for you to check out is . In this you will find kids that have started their own non profits, business’, etc… it has been a great resource for me in raising my kids in this area… tell your man i said hello!!!

  3. Kevin A. Cotter

    I remember seeing horror on your face when we were in India all those years ago. I clearly remember riding the short ride from Chillikallu to Jaygaepetta. You looked at your father and said, “Daddy, this is a terrible place!”
    I took my oldest to visit our friend Leonard in Haiti when he was 14. He has never been the same either. Every young person should go and see what the real world is like.
    Once you see the third world you appreciate the blessing it is to be an American. Here the poor are obese and watch big screen televisions.

    • Dusty Takle

      Kevin, that was the most significant, life-changing trip I ever took. I will take my children to a 3rd world country one day. For sure.

    • I guess this is as good of a place to mention that I know of some places and families in Haiti that could use some help email me if you are interested in helping JH help them out.

      I will be praying for you and JH

      KD < 🙂
      kdizne (at) gmail (dot) com

      (replace the words with the appropriate symbols) 🙂

  4. Wow… “Here the poor are obese and watch big screen televisions.”…that, well wow…speechless….I really hope this leads to an amazing destination where JH will help “FEED TO LIFE” some people who could have “STARVED TO DEATH”….such an amazing boy …

  5. Brenda

    LOVE.LOVE.LOVE. That Boy!!!!!

  6. Jennifer

    I love you and your blog! This is the sweetest story. Love it. Miss you guys.

  7. This is wonderful! What a wonderful child and what a great lesson you taught!

    I would love to send him something – something to help him in his endeavor…

    I have cards that I pass out – that remind the recipient that they are special and ask them to pay a kindness forward –

    I would like to create something for your son – a card that says what he wants it to, that directs people to the charity of his choice – but that also gives them God’s Blessing and reminds them that they are important – what do you think?

  8. Peggy

    Dusty that was an awesome experience. I know a few children who have ‘no idea’ how good they’ve got it.
    Feed-the-Cchildren has those constant shows on different channels. I was just flipping channels one day and Avery was with me, he immediately said, ‘one of them could live in my room’. Sadly, we grownups don’t always get-on-it and involve them.
    On one of Tori’s B/D’s we searched Feed-the Children and they were collecting for backpacks and school supplies. We made a contribution in her name for that. They send other request, you know, but that’s fine. It’s a good organization, I think.
    It brings so much ‘light’ on the scripture about being as a little child. We need to re-soften our heart and hear the needs.
    Love Your Blog,

  9. that’s an amazing inspiration right there. Passion starts with a simple idea, and change sometimes with just one word.
    it’s not food, but the coolest org. on the block that I’ve seen is They have a think calld “mycharity” where you can set up your own charity drive to raise enough money to provide a well, clean drinking water to places in need. you get your own site, its a very quick process, and they follow up by taking a photo of the well you built. pretty cool.
    And of course, there is the Biggest Loser charity: Feeding America. Sometimes volunteering and giving our time is the biggest charity of all!

  10. Darlene

    Okay, so I wept at the thought of that little guy weeping for the hungry kids that he doesn’t know. It is for that reason I continue to teach. Because I never know when something I say while teaching will light a fire like you did under JH! I will be praying that the right opportunity comes up. Perhaps ya’ll could look into Compassion International or one of the other groups and “adopt” a child. Your donations go to clothe, feed and yes, school them in a Christian environment.

    And while it is hard for kids to grasp that we cannot possibly feed the whole world, we can certainly encourage them to keep trying, because many hands make light work.

  11. You’re a good momma. It’s precious to see when kids start to “really feel it”

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