No Matter Your Circumstances.

My friend, Lynn, sent this video to me.  I wept watching this very brave, young man worship God in his difficult circumstances.  May we all learn to worship God no matter where we are in our  journey.  I’m grateful for people like Steve Fee who paused his day for this moment in young Creed’s life. 

Today, I am praying for a young man whom I have never met. 

Have a great weekend.  And, take a moment to worship God. 

No matter your circumstances.


Filed under God Stuff, making an impact, prayer

3 responses to “No Matter Your Circumstances.

  1. Sharon

    wow! such a tender sweet little boy. what a way to start the day. a great reminder that God is with us no matter what we are going through and that we need to live our life for Him, giving Him the glory at all times.

  2. Thanks for sharing Dusty….

    and I was crying too and am praying too for sweet Creed!

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